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Loving Their Water in Candler

Neutralizer and Water Softener Needed in Candler

This customer from Candler came to us because he has issues with their well-water quality. So they brought in a water sample for your free testing. The test shows a small amount of iron, low pH, high acidity, and hard water. No More Water Hardness […]

Fairview Family is Loving Their Water

Neutralizer Fixes the Acidic and Water Hardness in Fairview

This customer who lives in Fairview came into our office to get their water sample tested for free. We found acidic water (low pH) and slightly water hardness. So we recommended and later installed a Neutralizer to increase the pH, so the water would no […]

Nothing But fantastic Water Supply

Asheville Customer Gets the Whole Water Filtration Package

This Asheville customer called us because they just purchased a home with an existing (older) filtration system. We could not service the current system due to the age and replacement parts, so we recommended getting our complimentary free water test. The well has high iron, […]