hard water

Arden Home Gets Neutralizer For Perfect pH levels and More

Our Arden customer’s free water test revealed acidic pH levels requiring immediate attention. To comprehensively address their water quality concerns, we implemented a complete three-stage water treatment system. The installation included our American-manufactured  Neutralizer  to balance acidic water, a high-efficiency Water Softener to eliminate hard […]

Awesome Water Supply Now in Arden!

Great Water Supply Now in Marshall

Sediment filter, Water Softener Install in Marshall does the Job

This was a newly built home in Marshall with a well-water system. They noticed the water was not soft. We tested the water, and everything looked great except moderately hard water. We recommended and installed a Sediment filter to remove mineral buildup and a Water […]

Softener and Sediment Filter Does the Job in Waynesville

This customer in Waynesville brought their water sample to our office for free testing because they were having issues with mineral deposits. We tested the water and found moderately hard water. We recommended and installed a Sediment filter and Water Softener. They now have an […]

Awesome Water Supply in Waynesville!

Neutralizer Iron Filter and Softener Needed for this Home

This customer in Weaverville reached out because they were tired of the water staining on every fixture in their home. They brought in a water sample and we tested the water at no charge. We recommended and installed a Neutralizer to increase the low pH, […]

Weaverville family loving their water now!

Happy in Marshall!

New Iron filter and Softener for this New Home in Marshall

This homeowner in Marshall had recently acquired their new property and was excited to settle into their new space. However, shortly after moving in, they noticed some water quality issues that raised concerns. The water had a metallic taste and a reddish tint. Signs of […]

Nebo Family had Severe Sediment Clogging in Their Plumbing

This customer in Nebo NC, complained about sediment in the home and filters clogging too fast, so they contacted Mountain Water Systems to see what we could do for them. We tested the water at the office (free testing) to find low pH (acidic), hard […]

Super Clean water supply in Nebo!

A very happy Asheville customer!

Neutralizer and Water Softener Installed in Asheville Home

This customer in Asheville was having corrosion issues with metal fittings in the plumbing system. We tested the water and found a low pH and slightly hard water. We recommended and installed a Neutralizer and Water Softener. This new customer is very happy with the […]

Happy in Asheville!

Neutralizer and Softener Needed for This Asheville Customer

This Asheville customer recently purchased a home on a well and had never experienced well water before. We were able to ease their minds and performed our free water test at our office to find that the water was acidic and slightly hard. We recommended […]

Swannanoa Customer Upgrades: New Filtration System Installed

This customer in Swannanoa has been in contact with Mountain Water Systems for a few years regarding the filtration system. The old system has done its job perfectly for years, but the filtration system was not worth the repair costs. So, they followed our recommendations […]

Family in Swannanoa loving the new water filtration system

Sure, we service Maggie Valley!

Maggie Valley Customer Upgrades Water Filtration System

This customer in the Maggie Valley area contacted Mountain Water Systems for a quote to replace his aging water filtration system. They brought in a water sample to our Asheville office for a free water test. The test results showed that they needed a Sediment Filter […]