
Marshall Family Transform Problem Well Water into Pure Water

A Marshall resident struggled with multiple water quality issues from their well supply, including hard water deposits and unsightly iron stains. Taking advantage of our complimentary water testing service, we discovered their water had three major problems: excessive hardness, high iron content, and pH imbalance. […]

Happy in Marshall!!

New Iron filter and Softener for this New Home in Marshall

This homeowner in Marshall had recently acquired their new property and was excited to settle into their new space. However, shortly after moving in, they noticed some water quality issues that raised concerns. The water had a metallic taste and a reddish tint. Signs of […]

Happy in Marshall!

Another Happy Asheville customer!

New Softener and Iron Filter Installed in Asheville Home

This new customer in Asheville had existing filtration (Softener) that was no longer working as designed. We tested the water and found high iron staining and hard water issues. We recommended and installed our American made Iron filter and Water Softener.

Loving Their Water supply in Swannanoa

Iron Filter and Softener Installed in Swannanoa Home

A new client from Swannanoa visited our office in North Asheville, intrigued by our free water testing offer at the office, that they saw on our website. Initially, their home only had a sediment filter installed. However, upon conducting comprehensive tests on their well-water supply, […]

Customer in Weaverville Hard Water and Rusty Staining Issue

This Weaverville customer came to Mountain Water Systems to have their water tested. They had issues with water hardness and a rusty, smelly odor on their clothes after being washed. Softener and Iron filter Needed for Better Quality Water After testing their water at our […]

Iron filter and Water Softener Installed in Weaverville Home

This customer in Weaverville had been having issues with rust-colored staining and build-up on their fixtures. They brought a water sample into our office for the free water test. We tested to find moderate levels of iron and some hardness. We recommended and installed an […]

Water Filtration Investment Pays Off in Weaverville Home

Stains Gone with Iron Filter & Water Softener in Burnsville

This Burnsville resident visited our office in Asheville to benefit from our complimentary water testing service. Their primary concerns were clothes and fixtures suffering from unsightly stains and discoloration. Our office manager promptly provided them with test results and recommendations. We efficiently installed an effective […]

Customer in Burnsville Enjoying Clean and Stain free Water Supply

No More Rusty Water in Weaverville

Rust Staining Problems Solved; Our Weaverville Customer’s Water Woes

Weaverville customer was experiencing rust-colored staining throughout their home. These stubborn stains can be an eyesore and a nuisance, often indicating elevated iron levels in the water supply. Water test results revealed that the iron levels exceeded the EPA’s recommended limits, confirming our suspicion that […]