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Weaverville Customer Updates Neutralizer, Water Softener

This existing customer in Weaverville has been with Mountain Water Systems for years. It was time to upgrade the neutralizer and water softener we installed several years ago. We installed a new American-made neutralizer to raise the low pH (acidic water), a water softener to […]

Existing Customer Loves the Upgrade!

Candler Customer Upgrades Water Filtration System

Candler Customer Upgrades Softener, Iron Filter and More

This Candler customer had recently bought this home and discovered the existing water filtration system was not working. The customer was having issues with rust colored staining (iron) and build-up (hardness). So, we recommended an iron filter to remove the iron and a water softener […]

Neutralizer and Softener for Asheville Customer New Home

This Asheville customer contacted us because they were about to purchase a new home, so they wanted the water tested. We tested the water to find that the water was slightly hard with a low pH (acidic water). For metal plumbing, fittings, and fixtures not […]

New Homeowners Gets Water Filtration System