hard water

Happy Asheville Customer

New Asheville Homeowner Gets Neutralizer and Softener

This new customer in Asheville called us because they were buying a home. Their neighbors who use our services referred them to us. We evaluated the space and performed a water test before the purchase of the house. Neutralizer and Water Softener does the Job […]

Neutralizer and Softener for Asheville Customer New Home

This Asheville customer contacted us because they were about to purchase a new home, so they wanted the water tested. We tested the water to find that the water was slightly hard with a low pH (acidic water). For metal plumbing, fittings, and fixtures not […]

New Homeowners Gets Water Filtration System

Asheville Customer Upgrades Water Filtration System

Asheville Customer Upgrades Water Filtration System

This Asheville customer already had a water filtration system in place. However, it was causing terrible pressure issues, and it was not filtering the well- water correctly. They came to the office with their water sample for the free testing we offer. New Neutralizer, Iron […]

Fletcher Customer Upgrades Water Filtration Systems with MWS

Fletcher Customer Upgrades Water Filtration Systems with MWS

This customer in Fletcher is upgrading his water filtration system with Mountain Water Systems! Having tried other water filtration companies over the years, he was frustrated because nothing seemed to work correctly. Iron in the water, water hardness was still happening. Then he called MWS! […]

Weaverville Customer Gets Neutralizer and Water Softener

This Weaverville customer invested in a neutralizer and water softener from Mountain Water Systems. They came to us because they were having white build-up and some blue-green staining. The staining is indicative of a low pH leeching metal from the plumbing into the water supply. […]

Bring Your Water Sample To The Office For Free Testing