
Asheville Customer Needed New Water Filtration System Fast!

This customer in Asheville had existing filtration, but was not happy with the previous service company or filtration effectiveness. We tested multiple water samples to make exact recommendations based on their water quality. This well had pH issues with high iron and hardness. We recommended […]

New customer loving their water!@

We have the solution for your city water issues

Solutions For Our City Water Users Because of Storm Damage

  We Can Make Your City Water Better Now! Currently the municipal water supply is non-potable and discolored due to the storm damage with higher than normal chlorine levels. The turbidity (discoloration) in the water is caused by very small particles, which has caused the […]

Upgraded Filtration System Does the Job!

Swannanoa Customer Upgrades to New Neutralizer and Softener

New Swannanoa customer contacted us due to poor water quality: discoloration and staining and hard water. Free testing revealed undersized, malfunctioning old water filtration system. Installed New Neutralizer and Water Softener Our technician installed a comprehensive filtration solution; a new Neutralizer for low-pH iron removal, […]

New Home in Weaverville Needed a Softener for Water Hardness

This Weaverville resident, a returning customer of Mountain Water Systems, recently utilized our services for their new property. Having constructed a new home and installed a fresh well, they encountered excellent water quality except for moderately hard-water. New Water Softener Does the Job! Following our […]

Returning Customer Adds Softener for New Home

Water in Weaverville is Great, Now!

Weaverville Customer Replace Old Iron Filter For Great Water

This Weaverville customer has been with Mountain Water Systems for a few years. We installed a Water Softener originally, which was in addition to their existing Iron Filter. Unfortunately, the iron filter stopped working in recent months, and they had iron staining in the home. […]

Nothing But fantastic Water Supply

Asheville Customer Gets the Whole Water Filtration Package

This Asheville customer called us because they just purchased a home with an existing (older) filtration system. We could not service the current system due to the age and replacement parts, so we recommended getting our complimentary free water test. The well has high iron, […]