hard water

Customer in Canton Gets Full Water Filtration System Install

This new customer in Canton came to Asheville’s Mountain Water Systems office to take advantage of the free water testing we offer. They were having sediment and hard water issues. After the test, we also found a low pH balance and iron issue too. So […]

Family in Canton is Enjoying theirWater!

Family in Weaverville is Loving the Water

Neutralizer, Iron filter and Softener Needed in Weaverville

This Weaverville customer required three filtration products from Mtn Water Systems! A Neutralizer for the acidity and pH balance issue. An Iron Filter for the rusty and staining color problem. And a Water Softener for the hard water problem. All three filtration products solved their […]

New Water Filtration does the Trick!

Neutralizer, Iron Filter and Softener Updated in Candler

This new customer who lives in Candler had a very old and outdated Neutralizer, Iron Filter and Water Softener. They had acidity, iron rust staining, and hard water issues. Time to update the filtration equipment! We installed a new Neutralizer for the pH issue and […]

Asheville Customer adds Iron Filter for Rusty Taste in Water

This customer in Asheville has been a Mountain Water Systems customer for a few years. The customer started to notice a rusty smell and taste in the water supply. The water quality in their well has changed, which required an Iron Filter to be added […]

Asheville Customer rusty water smell solved

Neutralizer-Iron Filter-Softener for Weaverville Customer

This customer in Weaverville brought a water sample into our office for our free water testing, and the results showed a low pH, high iron level, and elevated hardness. We recommended a Neutralizer to increase the low pH, an Iron Filter to remove iron, and […]

Weaverville customer now has great water!

Settling Tank added to this Weaverville Home

This customer in Weaverville has been with Mountain Water Systems for a few years now. They purchased a Neutralizer, Iron Filter, and a Water Softener, which are still doing a fantastic job. However, they have recently noticed an increase in sediment in the sediment canister […]

Another Happy Customer in Weaverville